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At the 27th Koblenz Economics and Scientific Association Student Research Thesis Award ceremony, Julian Mosen, member of the Business Application Systems Research Group, member of the CEIR research team and the University Competence Center for Collaboration Technologies, was honoured for his outstanding Master’s thesis work.
On November 6th, 2019, the Wirtschafts- und Wissenschaftsallianz Koblenz e.V. presented the Koblenz Economics and Scientific Association Student Research Thesis Award, endowed with a total of 25,000 €, to eleven young academics from universities in the Koblenz region. At the award ceremony in the historic Koblenz Town Hall, the nominees gave an interview on the topic of their research with a focus on its social significance and practical relevance. Three students of the University of Koblenz-Landau received the award.

Phillipp P. Jakobs from the Department of Education Sciences (FB1) for his Bachelor thesis on “Stadtsoziologie als Wirklichkeitswissenschaft” and two award winners from the Department of Computer Science (FB4): Alex Baier (staff member at Institut WeST) for his Master’s thesis about Deep Learning for autonomous shipping and Julian Mosen (staff member of the Business Application Systems Research Group and member of the CEIR research team) for his Master’s thesis on the topic “Social Business Document Monitoring”.
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