Entries by Sebastian Bahles


UCT Team Member has been recognised as HCL Ambassador

Congratulations to our team member Julian Mosen who has been recognised as HCL Ambassador in 2024! The HCL Ambassadors program is a recognition program that showcases the best of the HCL community. Ambassadors go ‘above and beyond’ their normal job roles to help others, share information and organise events for the whole community to benefit […]


CEIR at the anniversary DNUG: #DACHNUG50

This year the 50th DACHNUG took place from June 13th to June 15th at the Rhein-Sieg-Forum in Siegburg, Germany. At this conference, users and providers of software related to HCL (the developer of HCL Connections and therefore also UniConnect) meet once a year. CEIR was present as part of the UCT project with a booth […]

Our first experiences using the Belsoft Community Manager

As mentioned in our blog post about the UniConnect update to HCL Connections version 7.0; not only did we update to Connections Version 7 but we also expanded our collaboration platform with the integration of various tools from Belsoft. The Belsoft Community Manager is already being used productively as new users of UniConnect are now […]

Research on visual collaboration tools and their integration into enterprise collaboration platforms

The need for digital alternatives for training and development workshops has increased due to digital transformation, advances in digital workplaces, and the increasing number of people working from home or in distributed teams. This demand proved to be even more critical during the COVID-19 pandemic, when physical workshops were not possible, and digital solutions had […]

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Upgrade: HCL Connections 7

Dear UniConnect community, We are pleased to announce an upgrade of UniConnect. Thanks to the support of our partner HCL, we are upgrading UniConnect from IBM Connections Version 6.0 to HCL Connections Version 7.0. Our members can expect the following improvements and new functions: Various adjustments to the user interface. Print content to PDF. Community […]


Upgrade: HCL Connections 6.5

Dear UniConnect community, We are pleased to announce a major upgrade of UniConnect, which is made possible thanks to the support of our new partner HCL. We are upgrading UniConnect from IBM Connections Version 6.0 to HCL Connections Version 6.5, which means that our members can expect many improvements and new functions: Connections Sidebar: The […]


HCL Technologies: A new, old partner

We are delighted to announce that HCL Technologies is the new partner for the University Competence Center for Collaboration Technologies (UCT). The UCT was funded for 10 years by IBM Germany and we are very grateful for the support that they gave us and for our fruitful collaboration with them over those 10 years. Special […]