Tag Archive for: UniConnect

The 51st DACHNUG took place this year from June 17 to 19 in the beautiful Marinaforum in Regensburg. As a conference for users and providers of HCL software solutions (in the field of enterprise collaboration and no-code/low-code/pro-code application development), it was the ideal place for us to be represented again this year with the CEIR team and our HCL-sponsored University Competence Center for Collaboration Technologies (UCT).

As a regular conference partner of DACHNUG, we were able to present our research and projects in a number of  presentations – in which some of the companies attending the conference were also involved – and to exchange ideas with interested parties at our booth.

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It is that time of the year again. December has arrived and, with it, the Christmas countdown has started. Much has changed in the world in the last years but some things stay the same. For the CEIR team at the University of Koblenz, the Domino Christmas Calendar App makes sure that the festive season is not forgotten.

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As mentioned in our blog post about the UniConnect update to HCL Connections version 7.0; not only did we update to Connections Version 7 but we also expanded our collaboration platform with the integration of various tools from Belsoft. The Belsoft Community Manager is already being used productively as new users of UniConnect are now being automatically added to the “UniConnect Community” when they register. This community is used to communciate important information to our users (e.g., planned maintenance work and updates). In the past, following registration to UniConnect users had to be manually added one by one to this community by our admins; this is now being handled automatically. Further, for over ten years, without extensive analysis of our databases we had no practical way to verify that everyone was (still) a member of this community. Thanks to the Belsoft Community Manager, we can now easily ensure that all users automatically become and stay members of the community and remain informed. In addition, the tool is saving a lot of time as invitations to join the community no longer have to be sent manually.

We thank our friends from Belsoft for their generous support. As soon as we have gained practical experience with the Belsoft Notifier, we will provide a further update. We believe the Belsoft Notifier will also help us improve our communication with users and improve knowledge sharing on UniConnect.

Dear UniConnect community,

We are pleased to announce an upgrade of UniConnect. Thanks to the support of our partner HCL, we are upgrading UniConnect from IBM Connections Version 6.0 to HCL Connections Version 7.0. Our members can expect the following improvements and new functions:

  • Various adjustments to the user interface.
  • Print content to PDF.
  • Community Templates: Thanks to this new feature, the UCT can offer you evaluated templates for your communities.
  • Creation Wizard: Guides the user step-by-step through the process of creating a community.
  • Files: Transfer ownership of your files to another user.
  • Orient Me: Updates in your network are highlighted with a new design.
  • Languages: Select your preferred menu language.
  • Video conferences hosted in Koblenz with HCL Sametime 11.5.
  • Connections Notifyer and Connections Community Manager: We would like to thank our friends at Belsoft, as their powerful admin tools make our work much easier.
  • Activities Plus and Huddo boards: Thanks to our friends from ISW, you can manage and assign tasks more effectively.

Please note:

This is an extensive maintenance job. UniConnect will most likely therefore not be available for the period from February 28, 2022, 8:00 a.m. to March 13, 2022, 6:00 p.m. (CET).

If you have any questions, we will be very happy to answer them: https://uct.de/en/contact/

Best regards from Koblenz
Söhnke Grams (Managing Director UCT)

Dear UniConnect community,

We are pleased to announce a major upgrade of UniConnect, which is made possible thanks to the support of our new partner HCL. We are upgrading UniConnect from IBM Connections Version 6.0 to HCL Connections Version 6.5, which means that our members can expect many improvements and new functions:

  • Connections Sidebar: The sidebar offers quick access to the network, content and users of UniConnect while working in other applications
  • Connections Invite: Invite external users efficiently
  • Files: Transfer ownership of your files to another user
  • Activities Plus: Manage and assign tasks more effectively

Please note:

This is an extensive maintenance job. UniConnect will most likely therefore not be available for the period from Friday 15th October 2020 8:00 a.m. to Monday 19th October 2020 6:00 p.m. (CET).

If you have any questions, we will be very happy to answer them: https://uct.de/en/contact/

Best regards from Koblenz
Söhnke Grams (Managing Director UCT)

“We have to evolve to avoid being disrupted” was the message Richard Jefts (General Manager at HCL Digital Solutions) delivered at the opening session of Engage 2020 – a two-day conference on collaboration technologies that took place in the Burgers’ Zoo in Arnhem, Netherlands. Through 86 sessions more than 100 speakers and 400 attendees shared recent topics and insights into how to evolve collaboration in companies and how to leverage with the latest technologies and trends.

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At the 27th Koblenz Economics and Scientific Association Student Research Thesis Award ceremony, Julian Mosen, member of the Business Application Systems Research Group, member of the CEIR research team and the University Competence Center for Collaboration Technologies, was honoured for his outstanding Master’s thesis work.

On November 6th, 2019, the Wirtschafts- und Wissenschaftsallianz Koblenz e.V. presented the Koblenz Economics and Scientific Association Student Research Thesis Award, endowed with a total of 25,000 €, to eleven young academics from universities in the Koblenz region. At the award ceremony in the historic Koblenz Town Hall, the nominees gave an interview on the topic of their research with a focus on its social significance and practical relevance. Three students of the University of Koblenz-Landau received the award.

Phillipp P. Jakobs from the Department of Education Sciences (FB1) for his Bachelor thesis on “Stadtsoziologie als Wirklichkeitswissenschaft” and two award winners from the Department of Computer Science (FB4): Alex Baier (staff member at Institut WeST) for his Master’s thesis about Deep Learning for autonomous shipping and Julian Mosen (staff member of the Business Application Systems Research Group and member of the CEIR research team) for his Master’s thesis on the topic “Social Business Document Monitoring”.

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[+++Click here for german version+++]

Social Connections is the international user group for HCL Connections and is the place-to-be to discuss topics such as the future of work, social collaboration and enterprise social networks. This year sees the 15th Social Connections, which is taking place in Munich this time.

It is also the first important meeting of this user group after HCL became the official owner of the former IBM Collaboration portfolio. We are looking forward to hearing the official announcements and presentations that were postponed over the last weeks and months during the takeover. This includes information about how HCL plans to support Universities in terms of (cost-free) academic software licences and especially the continuation of the University Competence Center for Collaboration Technology (UCT). Does HCL want us to continue our research projects on UniConnect, such as IndustryConnect and our many Domino student projects? Do they want us to keep putting our resources into the complex hosting activities required to provide access to their collaboration product portfolio for other universities?  We will meet and inform everyone as soon as we know more.

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