The 51st DACHNUG took place this year from June 17 to 19 in the beautiful Marinaforum in Regensburg. As a conference for users and providers of HCL software solutions (in the field of enterprise collaboration and no-code/low-code/pro-code application development), it was the ideal place for us to be represented again this year with the CEIR team and our HCL-sponsored University Competence Center for Collaboration Technologies (UCT).

As a regular conference partner of DACHNUG, we were able to present our research and projects in a number of  presentations – in which some of the companies attending the conference were also involved – and to exchange ideas with interested parties at our booth.

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CEIR Team from left to right:
Julian Mosen, Petra Schubert, Susan P. Williams, Martin Just, Sebastian Bahles
Picture: Matteo Cogliati

This year, the CEIR team once again took part in the annual ENGAGE User Group conference and provided insights into their current research projects.

Theo Heselmans invited us to participate and this was his last event as the Chair of the ENGAGE User Group before handing over the Chairperson role to his two successors. The conference location was “Handelsbeurs”, the historic stock exchange in Antwerp, Belgium, an impressive venue that attracted even more conference participants than in previous years. The conference venue not only offered the perfect environment for exchanging ideas and for networking, but also provided the setting for first-class presentations. The CEIR team prepared two sessions for the conference.
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The team of the Center for Enterprise Information Research (CEIR) presented five conference papers at the 15th International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems (CENTERIS), an AIS affiliated conference that took place in Porto, Portugal.

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This year the 50th DACHNUG took place from June 13th to June 15th at the Rhein-Sieg-Forum in Siegburg, Germany. At this conference, users and providers of software related to HCL (the developer of HCL Connections and therefore also UniConnect) meet once a year. CEIR was present as part of the UCT project with a booth right next to the HCL booth. The booth was a big success and allowed us to have a series of very interesting conversations and ad hoc demonstrations of technology for interested participants.

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Once again, our team attended the annual ENGAGE user group conference and presented some of our research findings. Theo Heselsmans, Chair of the Engage User Group, invited us to the beautiful city of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, where more than 300 practitioners and power users met at the conference venue Felix Meritis, one of the oldest former observatories in Europe.

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This November we had the opportunity to present our research progress at the CENTERIS -International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems. All our five papers have been accepted! This is why Petra Schubert, Susan Williams, Simon Meier, Jens Alberts and Martin Just travelled to Lisbon to present four of their papers on the premises of Hotel Olissippo Oriente. In addition, Söhnke Grams attended the hybrid conference setting remotely to present his research from Germany. Together with CENTERIS there have been three conferences simultaneously since ProjMAN – Conference on Project Management and HCist – Conference on Healthcare Inf. Systems took place at the same time and location.

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The team of the Center for Enterprise Information Research (CEIR) successfully submitted some of their latest work to the 20th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW), a single track conference on CSCW that took place in Coimbra, Portugal.

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After a very long time of online video conferences and online meetings, we finally had the opportunity to attend a physical conference again! Petra SchubertSusan WilliamsSöhnke GramsMartin Just and Julian Mosen took the long way to Bruges in Belgium to attend the annual conference of the ENGAGE User Group. Theo Heselsmans, Chair of the ENGAGE User Group, invited participants to the brand-new Bruges Meeting & Convention Centre (BMCC) and prepared an impressive agenda with lots of great speakers from all over the world.

Our CEIR team was of course part of the great speakers and we presented two sessions: In the first session, Sue and Julian looked at the challenges of the long-term management of workspaces and collaborative content across their entire lifecycle from creation to destruction. How these challenges can be addressed, was shown with the help of an application we developed to support our team with the long-term management and persistent access to important online content. This application and a social bot called “Wiki Replicator” helps our team to keep track of wikis in HCL Connections. The session was concluded with a lively, interactive audience discussion about other participants experiences and their organisation’s requirements for support for the long-term management of digital workspaces and collaborative content.

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“We have to evolve to avoid being disrupted” was the message Richard Jefts (General Manager at HCL Digital Solutions) delivered at the opening session of Engage 2020 – a two-day conference on collaboration technologies that took place in the Burgers’ Zoo in Arnhem, Netherlands. Through 86 sessions more than 100 speakers and 400 attendees shared recent topics and insights into how to evolve collaboration in companies and how to leverage with the latest technologies and trends.

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CEIR presents six papers at the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)

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We are proud to announce that the team of the Center for Enterprise Information Research (CEIR) successfully started the year 2020 by presenting six publications at the 53rdHawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). All original six submissions were accepted and two of them were even nominated for “best paper” in their mini tracks. HICSS is known worldwide as the longest-standing scientific conference for Information Systems and Information Technology and is the number one (most cited) in its field. This year, 1100 attendees from over 40 countries attended the conference. The conference venue was located on the beautiful island of Maui (Hawaii, US) from 7th to 10th January, where the CEIR team presented their latest work in the research field of Enterprise Collaboration Platforms.

  • MoBeC Framework by Nitschke & Williams (2020)

Our team’s submissions were accepted in 5 different tracks, ranging from “Distributed Collaboration in Organizations and Networks”, “Collaboration for Data Science”, “Business Intelligence, Business Analytics and Big Data” to “Social Information Systems” and “Digital and Social Media in Enterprise”. Related to the topic of Social Documents, three consecutive papers were presented by Julian Mosen and Florian Schwade at the conference. In these papers, Prof. Dr. Susan Williams, Julian Mosen, Prof. Dr. Petra Schubert and Florian Schwade describe the structure of social documents [1], its visualization [2] and the calculation of metrics on social documents [3] for understanding collaboration and joint work in enterprise collaboration platforms. Florian Schwade’s also presented his joint work on the development of a catalogue describing elements and characteristics of task management in enterprise collaboration platforms [4]. Clara Nitschke’s and Prof. Dr. Susan Williams’ work on capturing and monitoring how outcomes and benefits of enterprise collaboration platforms are changing over time is described by the MoBeC framework [5]. In addition Clara Nitschke published her joint work on the identification of coordination mechanisms in social software enabled digital workplaces [6].

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