CEIR presents six papers at the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)

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We are proud to announce that the team of the Center for Enterprise Information Research (CEIR) successfully started the year 2020 by presenting six publications at the 53rdHawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). All original six submissions were accepted and two of them were even nominated for “best paper” in their mini tracks. HICSS is known worldwide as the longest-standing scientific conference for Information Systems and Information Technology and is the number one (most cited) in its field. This year, 1100 attendees from over 40 countries attended the conference. The conference venue was located on the beautiful island of Maui (Hawaii, US) from 7th to 10th January, where the CEIR team presented their latest work in the research field of Enterprise Collaboration Platforms.
Our team’s submissions were accepted in 5 different tracks, ranging from “Distributed Collaboration in Organizations and Networks”, “Collaboration for Data Science”, “Business Intelligence, Business Analytics and Big Data” to “Social Information Systems” and “Digital and Social Media in Enterprise”. Related to the topic of Social Documents, three consecutive papers were presented by Julian Mosen and Florian Schwade at the conference. In these papers, Prof. Dr. Susan Williams, Julian Mosen, Prof. Dr. Petra Schubert and Florian Schwade describe the structure of social documents [1], its visualization [2] and the calculation of metrics on social documents [3] for understanding collaboration and joint work in enterprise collaboration platforms. Florian Schwade’s also presented his joint work on the development of a catalogue describing elements and characteristics of task management in enterprise collaboration platforms [4]. Clara Nitschke’s and Prof. Dr. Susan Williams’ work on capturing and monitoring how outcomes and benefits of enterprise collaboration platforms are changing over time is described by the MoBeC framework [5]. In addition Clara Nitschke published her joint work on the identification of coordination mechanisms in social software enabled digital workplaces [6].
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